sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

Lady Gaga, Pretty Little Liars, Game of Thrones & The Pierces

Lady Gaga em: O Cúmulo da falta de bom senso

Bom, esta parte do post é mais um desabafo do que qualquer outra coisa!!! CHEGA, LADY GAGA!! Quando a Lady Gaga estourou, vá lá... foi muito massa e tals. Ela era uma inovadora, não se importa com o que a mídia fala - HORRAY!! Mas, chegou um ponto que não dá mais! Ela chegou com um novo conceito de música pop, mas já enjoei da cara dela - Lady Gaga chegou a um ponto que não me impressiona mais. Pra mim, ela passou de uma inovadora a ridícula! Muita gente pode discordar de mim, mas eu não me importo... só tenho que desabafar isso!

Pretty Little Liars

Já tinha um tempinho que eu ouvia todo mundo falar de Pretty Little Liars. Essa semana, pensei comigo mesma: "Será que é bom? Vou baixar!". RESULTADO: Viciante!! *-*
Me acostumei com o estilo de Dexter, que eles contam logo quem é o assassino - pra que a gente não fique agoniado de tanto esperar... Mas Pretty Little Liars é contagiante!! Não consigo parar de ver. Enfim, ainda bem que eu comecei a assistir, pra poder passar essas últimas semanas de "aula" e esperar as novas temporadas no segundo semestre!!!

Game of Thrones

Outra série que eu comecei a assistir é Game of Thrones. Essa foi um amigo meu que indicou. Há algum tempo atrás fiz um post sobre o período medieval e como eu gostava... beleza... tive um troço quando vi uma série medieval (Santa HBO)!! No elenco (que me chamaram a atenção): Sean Bean (O Senhor dos Aneis; Percy Jackson e o Ladrão de Raios); David Bradley (Harry Potter, mas ele só apareceu em um episódio até agora) e o - suspira - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Falcão Negro em Perigo). Enfim... vou ter série pra acompanhar enquanto as outras não começam/voltam!! Já contei aqui e estou acompanhando 13 séries!!! #JesusTomaConta

Lady Gaga starring her new movie: "The Meat-Suit"

Well, this part of the post is some kind of therapy!!! LADY GAGA, THAT'S ENOUGH!! When Lady Gaga made a huge success, ok... it was awesome and stuff. She was someone new, who didn't care about what the media said about her - HORRAY!! But, it came a time when it all was enough! She came with a new concept of pop music, but I'm already sick of her face - Lady Gaga is in a point in which doesn't impress me anymore. To me, she's turned from innovator to ridiculous! Many people may disagree with me, but I don't care... I just need to get this thing out of my chest!

Pretty Little Liars

It's been a time since I heard everybody talking about Pretty Little Liars. This week, I thought to myself: "Is it any good? I'm gonna download it!" RESULT: Addicting!! *-*
I got used to Dexter's style, in which they actually tell you who the killer is - so we don't agonize while waiting... But Pretty Little Liars is contagious!! Can't stop watching. Anyways, I'm glad I started watching, so I can pass through these last weeks of "classes" and wait for the new seasons next semester!!!

Game of Thrones

Another serie I've started watching is Game of Thrones. This one a friend of mine told me about it. A little while ago I made a post about Medieval Age nad how I liked it... ok... I freaked out when I watched a medieval serie (Holy HBO)!! Casting (those who caught my eye):  Sean Bean (The Lord of the Rings; Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief); David Bradley (Harry Potter, but he's only in one episode so far) and - sighs - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Black Hawk Down). Anyways... I'm gonna have series to watch while the others don't start/come back!!! I've counted here and I'm following 13 series!!!! #JesusSaveMe

Música do Dia (Song of the Day)
The Pierces - "Secret"
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…

Why do you smile 
Like you have told a secret
Now you're telling lies
Cause you're the one to keep it
But no one keeps a secret
No one keeps a secret
Why when we do our darkest deeds
Do we tell?
They burn in our brains
Become a living hell
Cause everyone tells
Everyone tells…

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…

Look into my eyes
Now you're getting sleepy
Are you hypnotized
By secrets that you're keeping?
I know what you're keeping
I know what you're keeping

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…

Yes, Katherine.
I have something I want to tell you, but
you have to promise to never tell anyone.
I promise
Do you swear on your life?
I swear on my life"

You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…

Yes two can keep a secret
If one of us is…. Dead.

Um comentário:

  1. Hahaha... eu fiz as pazes com a Lady Gaga. Achei The Edge Of Glory incrível, na minha opinião o melhor clipe dela até hoje. Mas, gosto não se discute.

    Ah, adorei o layout novo, ficou muito bom!
