Lady Gaga em: O Cúmulo da falta de bom senso |
Bom, esta parte do post é mais um desabafo do que qualquer outra coisa!!! CHEGA, LADY GAGA!! Quando a Lady Gaga estourou, vá lá... foi muito massa e tals. Ela era uma inovadora, não se importa com o que a mídia fala - HORRAY!! Mas, chegou um ponto que não dá mais! Ela chegou com um novo conceito de música pop, mas já enjoei da cara dela - Lady Gaga chegou a um ponto que não me impressiona mais. Pra mim, ela passou de uma inovadora a ridícula! Muita gente pode discordar de mim, mas eu não me importo... só tenho que desabafar isso!
Pretty Little Liars |
Já tinha um tempinho que eu ouvia todo mundo falar de Pretty Little Liars. Essa semana, pensei comigo mesma: "Será que é bom? Vou baixar!". RESULTADO: Viciante!! *-*
Me acostumei com o estilo de Dexter, que eles contam logo quem é o assassino - pra que a gente não fique agoniado de tanto esperar... Mas Pretty Little Liars é contagiante!! Não consigo parar de ver. Enfim, ainda bem que eu comecei a assistir, pra poder passar essas últimas semanas de "aula" e esperar as novas temporadas no segundo semestre!!!
Game of Thrones |
Outra série que eu comecei a assistir é Game of Thrones. Essa foi um amigo meu que indicou. Há algum tempo atrás fiz um post sobre o período medieval e como eu gostava... beleza... tive um troço quando vi uma série medieval (Santa HBO)!! No elenco (que me chamaram a atenção): Sean Bean (O Senhor dos Aneis; Percy Jackson e o Ladrão de Raios); David Bradley (Harry Potter, mas ele só apareceu em um episódio até agora) e o - suspira - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Falcão Negro em Perigo). Enfim... vou ter série pra acompanhar enquanto as outras não começam/voltam!! Já contei aqui e estou acompanhando 13 séries!!! #JesusTomaConta
Lady Gaga starring her new movie: "The Meat-Suit" |
Pretty Little Liars |
I got used to Dexter's style, in which they actually tell you who the killer is - so we don't agonize while waiting... But Pretty Little Liars is contagious!! Can't stop watching. Anyways, I'm glad I started watching, so I can pass through these last weeks of "classes" and wait for the new seasons next semester!!!
Game of Thrones |
Another serie I've started watching is Game of Thrones. This one a friend of mine told me about it. A little while ago I made a post about Medieval Age nad how I liked it... ok... I freaked out when I watched a medieval serie (Holy HBO)!! Casting (those who caught my eye): Sean Bean (The Lord of the Rings; Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief); David Bradley (Harry Potter, but he's only in one episode so far) and - sighs - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Black Hawk Down). Anyways... I'm gonna have series to watch while the others don't start/come back!!! I've counted here and I'm following 13 series!!!! #JesusSaveMe
Música do Dia (Song of the Day)
The Pierces - "Secret"
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Why do you smile
Like you have told a secret
Now you're telling lies
Cause you're the one to keep it
But no one keeps a secret
No one keeps a secret
Why when we do our darkest deeds
Do we tell?
They burn in our brains
Become a living hell
Cause everyone tells
Everyone tells…
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Look into my eyes
Now you're getting sleepy
Are you hypnotized
By secrets that you're keeping?
I know what you're keeping
I know what you're keeping
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Yes, Katherine.
I have something I want to tell you, but
you have to promise to never tell anyone.
I promise
Do you swear on your life?
I swear on my life"
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Yes two can keep a secret
If one of us is…. Dead.
Hahaha... eu fiz as pazes com a Lady Gaga. Achei The Edge Of Glory incrível, na minha opinião o melhor clipe dela até hoje. Mas, gosto não se discute.
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